We have all heard it, “go for a jog to warm up” but is that
really enough?
Short answer, no. Warmups should be specific to whatever
chosen activities you are about to commence. Yes, running is a good way to
increase blood flow but if you are about to go for a surf it does not really
provide the specific mobility you need to perform the carves or the lay back
hacks you are about to do.
Why is it important to choose drills that warm up specific
movements you are going to perform in a session or game? Well here are a few reasons.
- Injury prevention, there is a large
amount of evidence that states implementing a sport specific warm up can reduce
the chances of injury. For example, warming up the lower limbs to reduce the likelihood
of ankle sprains of ACL injuries in soccer players (using FIFA11).
- It Increases core temperature and blood
flow to the associated muscle groups that you are about to use.
- When using the same muscle groups during a sport/movement
specific warm up It increases enzymatic activity (assists in muscle
contraction) which will in turn increase muscle stimulation. Simply put, your
muscles will be fired up and ready to go if you have performed the same movements
in your warmup than that of your chosen sport/ exercise program.
To incorporate a sport or movement specific warm up a few
tips are provided below:
- Look at your session plan, understand the movements
you are about to perform and replicate them as best as possible at a slower gentler
- Add in movements that will increase your core temperature
and blood flow
- If your sport or exercise routine for the day is
leg dominant, ensure your warmup is predominantly leg focused (or vice versa
for upper body)
- Choose dynamic movements over static stretching,
as majority of the time you will not be performing something at a stand still
If you find that you are still struggling with how to ad in
a specific warm up, give us a call and let us help you! After all, it is our
job J
and Empowering all humans to Move More and Live Better”